
The IAAAIT is an international Apostolic organization headquartered in Alton Illinois founded by Bishop Robert Douglas and Bishop Lawrence Brown Jr., which has as its mission to promote, preserve and defend the apostle’s doctrine in the world and to celebrate the proponents who propagate the Faith. We celebrate, educate, and graduate, our most outstanding and faithful proponents of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus in the Apostolic Faith Church worldwide. The scripture given to us by God is;

We have both an undergraduate program and a graduate program where we teach and confirm Apostolic Faith Theology. In our graduate level degree program students can earn their master’s and doctorate degrees in Apostolic Faith Theology and Christian Service. We offer a post achievement graduate level program where long-standing apostolic proponents who are seniors and at the top of their ministerial careers can apply to get into a fast track doctoral degree program in Apostolic Theology and Christian service.

We offer Post Achievement Master’s and Doctoral Degrees for Tenured Apostolic Faith Ministers This institute officially recognizes senior ministers for post achievement and faithfulness to the Apostolic doctrine, the Gospel, and service to the Apostolic Faith Church, by compiling their portfolios, with their college transcripts of courses taken, RLPL credits, Course credits and a verifiable proof that they are solely apostolic in their doctrine and philosophy. Ministers who have been verifiably apostolic for at least thirty years can receive the credit for those years. That can be used as their tenure and achievements as credits towards a doctorate degree. The achievements of a senior apostolic proponent can be used to place them into the fast track program to their Doctoral Degree.

Doctor of the Church
(Latin doctor "teacher"), also referred to as Doctor of the Universal Church (Latin: Universae Ecclesiae Doctor), is a title and acknowledgement given by the Apostolic Faith Church through the IAAAIT to our most exemplary Apostolic Fathers who are/were truly apostolic proponents of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thereby they are recognized as having made a significant contribution to Apostolic Faith theology or doctrine through their research, study, writing, teaching, preaching, and defending of the Gospel.
Our purpose, philosophy, and intent is to be dogmatic and intentional, in our valid belief that the Apostles are God's guid and standard for all men who seek correct doctrine and worship. We believe in being specific in our instructions showing that we believe soundly that the Apostles are God's founding ambassadors of truth. Thus, we teach, and prove by valid correctness of the Apostle's doctrine. We feel that our ability to share and teach is empowered by a faithful adherence to the Apostle's message that exposes light and understanding by the sound apologetic explanations of what and why we believe in the necessity of holding to the Apostolic Doctrine.
Providing Awards & Recognition

Bishop Alphonso Scott Receives the
2018 Most Excellent Apostolic Father Award
Undergraduate Program
We teach apostolic faith theology to upcoming young apostolics
Post Achievement Program
We celebrate, elevate, and graduate our senior ministers who are at the top of their careers by documenting their success, by gathering their portfolios, college transcripts, bible class and sermon notes where they prove their quality and level of knowledge of apostolic faith theology and other documentations like credits for field work like in pastoring for many years, teaching apostolic faith theology etc etc. This data is translated into credit hours which are used to compile the degree credits that serve to satisfy the academic degree requirements.

Application for Admission and Student Information